Biscaia et Gvipvscoa Cantabriae veteris pars (eu): Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

14 December 2023

13 December 2023

27 September 2021

23 April 2020

26 March 2016

11 January 2016

  • curprev 22:1322:13, 11 January 2016Jcao talk contribs 1,480 bytes +1,480 Orria sortu da. Edukia: {{Mapa (eu) | izena = Biscaia et Gvipvscoa Cantabriae veteris pars | irudia = Biscaia_et_Gvipvscoa_Cantabriae_veteris_pars_(Johannes_Janssonius_1642).jpg | egilea =...